Konami has revealed eFootball Season 7: King of the Continent.Headlining the free-to-play game’s latest major update is the addition of two tournament-style campaigns – European Cup and American Cup.These are launching to coincide with Euro 2024, which kicks off in Germany today, and the Copa América, which begins on June 20 in the US.“As the two biggest footballing continents take to the field, users in eFootball can do so too via these two in-game campaigns,” Konami said.“These will see users use their Dream Teams in a tournament style, gaining more and more in-game rewards as they progress through the rounds.“With this celebration of international football, users can also win some extra special player cards through their campaign achievements. There will be 4 x ‘Highlight: France’ chance deals and 5 x ‘Highlight: Argentina’ chance deals as prizes from the European Cup and American Cup campaigns respectively.”eFootball will be giving all users one free ‘Highlight: France’ card as a log-in gift during Season 7.The new season will also let players put a full 11-man squad from a national team into their Dream Teams. Argentina, France, Portugal, England, Brazil and Turkey national team packs will be included.Elsewhere, an updated co-op mode will let players match-up against AI, reducing the wait time to get into games.eFootball hit 750 million downloads across all platforms in April, which was up from 700 million reported by Konami in January.
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